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Non-Exclusive Representative Program (NER)

What is the NER Program ?

NER is a program that represents artists to sell artworks. We will guarantee to provide at least one solo exhibition opportunity for selected artists and provide the most comprehensive publicity possible to promote the sale of the artist's works. Artwork and artist information will be permanently promoted on our website and published in our magazine.

We will be paid by taking a commission on the sale of the artwork.

As a Non-Exclusive Representative Project, we don't mind the artist being represented collaborating with others.

Who are we looking for?

We welcome submissions from all types of artists, whatever your artistic style, whatever your artistic medium, whatever your artistic content.

How to submit?

Please send the following content with the subject of "NER Submition_your name" to

  • No more than 10 images from a same series (Each image limited to 25MB) and Please name each image in the following way(Artist name_artwork series_artwork name_Price). If it's time based art, please send a link to the video.

  • An artist's statement for the series art (the statement recommends both Chinese and English).

  • Artist website

  • Artist resume

  • Other materials, if necessary, please briefly add.

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