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2018年10月,全球艺术巨头佳士得拍卖行拍卖了一件特殊的艺术品。一幅名为《爱德蒙・贝拉米的肖像》的AI画作最终以43.25万美元的价格成交。巴黎艺术团体Obvious使用名为生成对抗性网络(Generative Adversarial Network,简写为GAN)的人工智能算法创建了一组虚构的贝拉米家族肖像。在纽约佳士得进行拍卖的《爱德蒙・贝拉米的肖像》就是其中一幅。Obvious团队共向模型输入了十四世纪到二十世纪超过15000幅人像油画进行训练。这种人类创作者和AI算法共同完成的艺术作品被一些人称作AI艺术。随着技术的发展、创作的升级让算法核心“左右互搏”的GAN模型进化为diffusion扩散模型。




宋婷 Ting Song



在算法统治的新的技术社会关系下,如何重新表述对于文化、工作、再生产及大量科技劳动力的期望?宋婷的创作在寻找“现实——虚拟”二元关系之外的新的融合语言。唐娜·哈拉维(Donna Haraway)的《赛博格宣言》生发于二十世纪晚期的“人-动物”、“有机体-机器”、“身体-非身体”的科技文化、政治身份的边界崩塌之际;如今,在无处不在却又不可见的微电子芯片“AI时代”构建的统治关系下,宋婷的《逆赛博格启示录进行时》以女性主义作为实践方法、将在现实社会中长期被客体化、边缘化的群体与文化,在区块链及数字空间中“复活”、留存及延展;亦是尝试揭示在赛博格社会的未来中主体性认知的跬步。





How can the expectations of culture, work, reproduction, and mass technological labor be re-articulated in the context of the new techno-social relations governed by algorithms? The works of Song Ting is in quest of an alternative integrating language to the binary "reality-virtual" relationship. Donna Haraway's Cyborg Manifesto was born out of the late twentieth-century collapse of the boundaries of "human-animal," "organism-machine," "body-non-body,” which echoed concerns about technological culture and political identity. Now, under the domination relationship constructed by the ubiquitous but invisible microelectronic chip "AI era", Song Ting's "Reverse Cyborg Apocalypse in Progress" uses feminism as a practical method to retain, recover, and recreate the groups and cultures that have long been objectified and marginalized in the real society in the blockchain and digital space. It is also an attempt to explore the pratical sequential process involved in subjective cognition in the Cyborg civilization of the future.


Song Ting creates poems and plays with multiple metaphors of dreams and myths using images like butterflies, flowers, and women. By reorganizing and encoding these spaces of consciousness from concrete imagery, Song Ting reveals another non-technological discourse of imagination about culture and ecological space in the cyber era. In work “SEA, SAND, AND FOAM” , Song Ting uses AI-generated graphics to generate a narrated response to the connection between tech colonization and Aboriginal topics. ‘’Ciddhartha" maps and translates representative religious and philosophical stories into the virtual world, and is reborn as a new fable about "truth" and "perfection" in the digital space. "Entangnals" creates a blockchain archive for recovering and re-creating traditional handicrafts like weaving, dyeing, and printing. These crafts are mainly practiced by women and underage laborers in ethnic minority groups in Southeast Asia.


Song Ting's "Reverse Cyborg Apocalypse in Progress" invites viewers to explore the intersection of technology and humanity, while also attempting to explore a symbiotic, fusion-based solution that connects "reality" and "virtuality". This is not just a technological fantasy; it is also an enigma about who we are. It is not just an imagination about “on-boarding” and cognition in the age of algorithms; it is also a vision about how to explore the possibilities outside of the Apocalypse of the "Matrix" made up of coded words.

Work by 

Ting Song 宋婷


Curated by


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